A professional alliance of vetted, trusted, performance-oriented business people that seeks to highlight and promote what’s best about doing business in Southwest Florida. We focus on top talent with an outlook toward solutions for quality growth and continuous improvement. Our philanthropic arm leans toward assistance and support for fixes only. Southwest Florida Business Alliance is a place where the best and the brightest are supported and where progress has a new home.
The mission of the Southwest Florida Business Alliance is to bring employers and employees together in a structured, positive, and professional setting.
We enable positive long-term growth & relationships for our members.
Addressing your needs with our local and state government.
Stay up to date with media, speakers, and unique publications.
Monthly networking events with speaking and sponsor opportunities.
Large, online directory with member-to-member referrals.
Customizable marketing opportunities to fit any need.
Outreach opportunities through our press releases and programs.
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The SWFLBA Business Network offers two weekly meetings, one for lunch and one for breakfast, which are open to attend anytime. We have three clubs meeting monthly: the SWFL Building Industry Alliance, SWFL Under 40’s, and our Ladies LEAD group. SWFL Business Alliance has periodic events with featured speakers like the heads of Lee County Economic Development and the Lee County Property Appraiser offices, as well as various subject matter experts.
We work directly with your business to build customized events upon request that meet your business goals.
By sponsoring a monthly or customized event or organization, you can increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, and support mutual causes for your business. Sponsorship opportunities for the SWFL Business Alliance include logo placement, branded signage, and verbal and printed recognition in promotional materials at our events.
Establish yourself and facilitate conversations and discussions between multiple parties within your industry. Moderators are responsible for guiding the conversation, ensuring that everyone has a chance to speak, and keeping the discussion on topic. Potential moderators are invited to contact 239.470.5611 or board@swflbusinessalliance.com for further details.
Our online directory provides detailed information about businesses and services, including contact information, hours of operation, and addresses for local businesses in the building and construction industries.
Consider including an ad for your business in one of our print or digital publications. We work with you to customize your message and reach over 20,000 individuals in the SWFL area. Contact: KS@paradisecg.com
Increase visibility for you and your business by sharing your knowledge, expertise, and ideas with a wider audience. Speakers are invited to contact 239.470.5611 or board@swflbusinessalliance.com for further details.
When you sign up with the SWFL Business Alliance, we include a years’ membership to the Building Industry Alliance SWFL as part of our introductory membership offer. Don’t pass on this opportunity to expand your network.